Eight Reasons Why You Should Travel - Personal Opinion


Welcome back to my blog, I really appreciate you to spare your time to visit this blog. I am happy to meet you again. How's life? Mine is just as great as always. In today's post, I will share with you my personal opinion about 'Why You Should Travel'.

Siung Sunset Hill - Tepus, Yogyakarta - March 01, 2017
Shot by: Abraham Hario Lanang

I do think everyone loves to travel, especially if they need an escape from their rush life. I do love travel because of that, to be honest. If you are asking what kind of place do I love to explore, I will answer; any kind of place but it has to be an outdoor space. I am a person who loves to explore and go wild. I mean I love to go outdoor. I am not a person who likes to travel to a big city and explore the shopping areas and then buying stuff. You can take a look at my Instagram which is full of outdoor posts, especially beaches. Yes, I love the beach.

I have been starting to explore places 2 years ago. I used to be a home person, and what I always did is watching movies or just sleeping all day long. Being a home person is boring, so that is why I love to go outdoor now. I still remember the first time I went mountaineering with my seniors, and I still remember the moment when I visited Bromo two years ago. It makes me feel happy that I have been there and done that. I know that I still traveling locally, but I think that is why you should prepare to travel. Yeah, it is because travel will make you happy, but there are more reasons beyond that actually. 

Kadilangu Beach, Yogyakara - September 14, 2016

First, it reduces your stress. How does travel reduce your stress? From my personal experience, I feel it will reduce your stress because you will make a small distance for a while from your rush life. You will have a chance to unwind your mind from the hectic office situation, the annoying wake-up call from your boss, or the complicated client's request that you have to handle. Can you imagine that?

Second, it makes you proud. Even though I am still traveling locally in Yogyakarta or on Java island, I do feel amazed by the diversity of my country. I really do want to explore more cities on this island or other islands. It makes me proud because I can go places with my own guts. It also makes me proud because I can finally see things that I always wanted to see.

Bromo, East Java - January 25, 2015

Third, it creates a memory. Personally, I think memory is something which is more precious than the things that you have. Well, you know that memory will always inside your mind, right. With a memory that you have, you can share with everybody what you just have experienced. It will also make you become a more interesting person because you have stories to tell, right?

Fourth, it makes you braver. The thing about being a traveler is you have to do everything by yourself (unless you are traveling with your friend or partner). You have to arrange the schedule, make the decision, negotiate the price and so on. In my opinion, it takes courage to do such a thing. Most of my friends are worried to do that, but I have seen some of them just did. All things depend on you when traveling, so you have to be brave to take decisions.

Siung beach, Yogyakarta - February 27, 2017

Fifth, it makes you independent. Since you are doing it all alone, you will become get used to it. Being independent is cool because not everyone can do things alone, even for a simple thing like go to a small city and explore places. You will also be a more responsible person because you have to take care of yourself.

Sambisari Temple, Yogyakarta - April 08, 2017

Sixth, it creates new networking. When you are on a travel or even a short trip for a vacation, you are unconsciously meet new people. You get to know more people and make new friends. For example is when you asked the hotel officer about the interesting places nearby, he or she might be interested to help you to get there. That is how you make a new friend, and there are a lot of ways to do that.

Seventh, it makes you know you. From what I feel every time I travel, I can get to know more about myself. As I have said before, you will get plenty of time including time to meditate and relax. While meditating, you can release your perplexed mind so you will feel less stressed about life, office kinds of stuff, or annoying clients. You can also make up your mind about the future while traveling. You can start to list what you are going to do after because you have seen things that somehow inspires you.

Parangtritis beach, Yogyakarta - August 29, 2016

Eighth, it makes your life awesome. Yes, travel makes you live awesome because you got something new, experience. It creates memory, new networking, attitude, and so on. Do not hesitate to travel whether by yourself with your friend, prepare your stuff, and explore now.

In the end, we all will know that this life is short. The best part of being alive is when you enjoy life and get a lot of benefits from that. Now you know the benefits of Travel, right? So why do not you try to enjoy life by traveling and see how big this world?

Have a nice day!

